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Search this thread only Search this forum only Display results as threads. Want to learn more about the team keeping you up to date with the latest scene news? Looks like a cry for attention to me. TravayusDrax Jun 4, Ha, what aldostools said made me think of the beginning of Tron Legacy when the Encom OS12 was leaked. I just don't understand these people. rogero cfw 4.60

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All times are GMT The time now is I know I will get roggero for this guys but who gives a fvuk. Something people do all the time, and pay dearly for it. Obviously this person knows better than you when your software should be released, right?

rogero cfw 4.60

This was not a wise move and as a results of this being unfinished and some issues, we have not included the download below as we are going to advise you wait for an official release from Rogerothat is if this leakier has not discouraged Rogero's plans to release a 4. Rogero has been on hiatus for awhile and don't blame him with all the CFW leaks.

ccw Someone came through when the developers stopped. I'm posting this because the devs won't. Pauline I had faith in you It isn't like there was a need for another 4.


I ruined my PS3 with an Rogero Update? They are given the opportunity to check out, test, new yet to be released software and help the developers and in turn the rest of the PS3 scene in a real way. I've tested it out on every console from till late and will install over any CFW I don't care what devs and people or Rogero think its time to release it, it been out for 29 days now. Hopefully this doesn't discourage rogero from continuing his work. Why are people leaking custom firmwares?

rogero cfw 4.60

Since updating to this version, I'm having problems running games the first time I boot my console. Or just say to heck with it and let them build their own?

Rogero CFW @Incomplete Leaked@ Firmware !DOWNLOAD LINK! |PS3 Dubai

Wouldn't this stress you out? Imagine working on a brand new program, you spend days toiling over the code, you spend months working on it, but there's these three little bugs you have to fix before you can release it. It has been flagged with dean so hopefully a newer version will be out soon.

What blows my mind is the fact there is no need for the leak. I just don't understand these people.

rogero cfw 4.60

No0bZiLLa - Do you still want to finish it? Thankfully the warning is spread on many ps3 news sites Check out our Developer bios, too! Happy to be part of the Beta Testing team! They all pretty much do the same thing with features like Cobra and Toolboxes.

You start getting massive reports of errors and bricks on a product that isn't released yet. There is no official 4. There was no reason to see a leaked version that is unfinished and has issues when the leaker claims it been just 30 days.

Just so you know it does work well with IrisMAN but sound and some games when you upload or vfw your PS3 to another TV the settings will change, you have to reset the HD settings back. Hello I'm having a small problem: Do you already have an account?

Similar threads with keywords: No point in downgrading unless you're desperate to retain the Rogero name.


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I presume that there are firmware updates for the other models too. Thats not the way is should be, when I want to format my 64Gb card in the camera, the camera format tool is useless? What is the most current firmware for LSw? With a Transcend- and a Lexar 64GB cards. Insert the SD card into the device, the update will get start automatically. Uploader: Ketaxe Date Added: 14 August 2013 File Size: 18.2 Mb Operating Systems: Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/2003/7/8/10 MacOS 10/X Downloads: 15781 Price: Free* [ *Free Regsitration Required ] Unzip the file and save it to the root directory of Firmwafe card. We tried everything with the SD cart, format it on every possible way, in the cam, on the computer, but the error message kept coming. Started by reverend Jun 17, Replies: I noticed that DOD do offer firmware downloads directly on their site, just not via the eng...


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